Sylvia Carrillo
Sylvia Carrillo was born in San Diego, California of Mexican/Aztec ancestry. Fluent in Spanish, Ms. Carrillo is a grandmother to two beautiful granddaughters, and loves tennis.
2022 – PRESENT
- AD47 Endorsing Caucus Chair. Vetted and held elections in our Assembly District to endorse local candidates. Meetings and elections were held on Zoom. https://riversidecountydemocrats.org/about-us/2019-2020-term-rcdp-officers/
- RCDP Credentials Committee Chair. Keep track of current members through spreadsheets and vet guests to make sure they are Democrats. Club certification.
- CADEM’s Brownie Mary Democrats Club @BrownieMaryDems Tweeter. Lead Twitter (X) social media with pro-patient and pro-cannabis legislation and protections. Also retweet articles regarding cannabis’ medicinal qualities.
- RCDP’s Resolutions Committee Member for four years, and I have authored four accepted Resolutions for CADEM consideration.
- President of Pass Democratic Club/RCDP Credentials Committee Chair. During COVID, the RCDP and the Pass Democratic Club were the first County and club in the state to have Zoom meetings, therefore, we never missed a meeting. Led the shift to digital communications and assembled a team of “Techies.”
- Riverside County Democratic Party (RCDP) Tweeter @OfficialRCDP. Promoted Pro Democratic Party unifying values. Vetted Followers and Following accounts. Learned to identify and avoid misinformation and disinformation. Successfully participated in fighting the Newsom Recall and keeping Trump as a One-Term President. Also tweeted important topics in Spanish to keep the Latino Community informed.
- Bosworth Award Recipient, Riverside County Democratic Party
- Vice President of Political Action & Voter Registration for the Pass Democratic Club www.passdems.org. Organized and participated in numerous protests throughout SoCal, desert cities and locally against Trump regime. Guest Speaker at events where we protested Trump’s Racist Family Separation Policies at the Southern Border, Trump’s Anti-Women Policies, and Trump’s war on the Environmental Protection Agency. Successfully organized protests to fight Beaumont City Council as they tried to enact Trump Policy as City pledged to work with local police department to racially profile Hispanics and deport them through ICE. As a Spanish speaker, I was able to register Spanish-speaking voters at events throughout Riverside County.